Role: Designer

Data Visualization & Campaign Creative

Nissan Leaf and TBWA/Chiat/Day approached Brand New School to come up with a new branded language to visualize their infographics into features and value props for the car. This was an important project because Nissan Leaf was one of the first revolutionary electric cars coming out at the time, so we wanted to visualize their competitive edge in a way that was both sophisticated and easy to understand. I worked closely with creative Creative Director Jens Gehlhaar and the team at BNS to conceptualize the data visualizations for the campaign.

As a designer in a team of 6 designers, 1 CG artist, one art director, and one creative director, I tried visualizing Nissan Leaf's eco-friendly advantages (torque, quietness, time spent at a filling station, etc) using simple shapes and forms. Yellow signified the Leaf (their hero color), and the other colors in a limited palette represented its competitors.

Screenshots from their website:

Produced at Brand New School 2010.